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 Lovino Vargas (South Italy)

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Former South Italy

Former South Italy

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Lovino Vargas (South Italy)  Empty
PostSubject: Lovino Vargas (South Italy)    Lovino Vargas (South Italy)  EmptyWed Jan 25, 2012 3:20 pm

Lovino Vargas

Lovino Vargas (South Italy)  DeGJo

Name: Lovino Vargas
Age: 21
Birthday: March 17th
Country of Origin: South Italy.
Floor in the building: Second floor.
How long they've lived in the building: About a year and nine months.
Job: Fashion designer. He also waits tables part-time.
Powers: Thermokinesis and Thermal Resistance.

Lovino has auburn brown hair, parted to the left and almost covering his left eye where it swoops down. It's cropped fairly short, but it would probably be considered a bit long or at least medium length for an average male hairstyle. He has a peculiar flyaway curl to the left side of his head, beginning near his forehead, and he absolutely refuses to let anyone touch it. The Italian is quite short for a male-- likely around 5'6''-- and his poor posture doesn't really help. He has a scowl permanently on his face, and he blushes incredibly easily, whole face turning the color of a ripe tomato at things that wouldn't seem embarrassing to the average person. His eyes are a hazel color-- in some lights they look green, and in others a honey-brown not unlike his brother's.

He has a sort of boyish or even feminine figure that he's incredibly embarrassed about-- he's lanky, relatively small, and thin (except his squishy belly that is not fat, if you call it that he'll rend your soul from your body by hand). He's even possibly more bony-- sharp hipbones and cheekbones, thin legs and arms-- than fat. All those pasta carbs must be stored in his rump. Like his brother, his face is smooth and he's never been given a reason to shave, not that he'd admit it. (Even his legs have cute and soft little peach fur, but the chances of him allowing it to be seen are slim to none.) His voice is a bid higher than a midtone-- not really high-pitched, definitely lower than his brother's, but far from gruff or distinctly masculine. He's secretly proud of his countertenor singing, even if he doesn't sing in front of anyone else.

Lovino comes off as surly, sarcastic, temperamental, and even cold. And it's true, he does act like this. He's defensive and hates letting people get close because he's afraid of being hurt. When he was young, his brother was the source of all of his family's attention because he was the 'cute' one. Lovino learned that acting out got him the attention he craved-- even if it was negative attention instead of his brother's positive attention. Both a combination of being scolded and becoming bitter from it, along with the acting out, culminated into his angry personality. He's had his heart broken enough times because of people who wanted to get close to him just to become close to his brother, or his grandfather, or because of the Vargas twins' fortune, that he came to the mindset of having absolutely no friends or more-than-friends instead of taking the risk of being hurt.

He's become paranoid because of this abandonment complex, and always thinks that people trying to get close to him have some sort of an ulterior motive. The only person he really trusts is the source of his inferiority complex, his brother, oddly enough. But despite the coldness, bitterness, and anger, Lovino's emotions aren't always negative. He's very shy-- he didn't do much socialization when he was younger, especially because he was bullied-- and part of the shyness is his naivete towards some subjects. The unintentional innocence can seem very cute, most often when a bright blush accompanies it-- he gets flustered when he doesn't know something that seems to be obvious to others. In fact, he gets flustered at a lot of things, even small physical contact. And if you manage to catch him in a good mood, he can even be playful to a degree. With all the Italian's self-imposed barriers down, he's just really shy, unworldly, and scared of being hurt once again. He can be sweet if he really tries, and he's incredibly protective of the things he cares for. He sees women and children as innocent or kind and cannot be mean to them. His personality is driven by a lot of paradoxes.


-Tomatoes It's no secret that the feisty Italian loves tomatoes. He'll eat them raw-- and then bitch nonstop about the cankersores he gets.

-Cooking If Lovino thought he was any good at it, he'd have gone into the culinary business. Still, he loves turning raw ingredients into delicious meals, even if he's convinced his brother is better at it.

-Sewing He's a bit too clumsy for it sometimes, sticking his fingers with pins far too often, but Lovino loves drafting up new outfits, designing them, and making them all on his own. A good chunk of his wardrobe is handmade. He doesn't like to tell anyone, though.

-Being left alone He'd rather you not bother him. At all. Ever. Obnoxious pigs.

-Art Another thing that he's convinced he isn't good at. He hides all his paintings.

-His brother He pretends he doesn't, and he is easily annoyed by Feliciano, but his brother is just about the only person he trusts.

-Sleeping in Enough said, really. Don't even think about waking him up before ten. If he doesn't get his daily siesta, he's twice as grouchy as usual.


-Germans He was bullied a lot when he was very young, but the most prominent case was a German boy in the grade above him. Ever since then, he's held a grudge against all Germans and anything German-related. (It's not helped by the idiots his brother hangs out with.)

-Thunderstorms He's absolutely terrified of them. In hindsight, following his brother to England was not his smartest move.

-Being left alone Uhm. Uh. Yeah. The earlier statement might have been a lie. He's desperate for affection, to the point of acting out to get it.

-Being ignored He tries to pretend that it doesn't bother him, but he really, really hates it when he's ignored. It makes him feel inferior, and he'll do anything to be noticed or paid attention to again.

-Being seen vulnerable Lovino tries to keep up a cold or unaffected exterior because he hates being seen when he's hurting. Chances are, if he cries in front of you, he'll avoid you as much as possible afterward out of shame and embarrassment.

Any other information: NO 8| Stop being so nosy already.


Lovino and his brother were born in Messina, Sicily, but when their father received a job offer when they were four, they packed up to move to New York City, New York in America. Lovino didn't approve at all. He adored Italy, and despite the fact that he had never even been to America, he threw a hissy fit when they moved. When it finally seemed that they had settled in, the unimaginable happened. Lovino and Feliciano's parents passed away in a car accident. As if the life-changing event wasn't enough, both Lovino and his brother were put into the foster care system. While Feliciano went on to be adopted by their grandfather and moved back to Italy, Lovino was shuffled around in foster homes. His sour temperament and almost bratty personality meant that he didn't spend much time in a house before he was shuffled along.

He spent the longest time with the Fernandez-Carriedo family, who were cheery and kind and ready to accept his flaws. But even that had to end; when poor economic times came, the family really couldn't afford to take care of a third child. About two years before he graduated, he started looking into finding his brother. Finally, after much digging, he managed to find a way to contact him. He discovered that Feliciano was slated to go to a college in England, and once he graduated high school and became a legal adult, the Italian moved to live in the apartment building Feliciano had picked out. (He cried during their reunion. Hard.)

It was a little weird at first-- they'd spent their entire lives apart, and even though they had the twin sense of companionship and had communicated for two years through internet and telephone, it didn't compare to growing up together. While Feliciano goes to school, Lovino works on his clothing designs and waits tables when he can to pay bills. It works for them.

Details of their powers:

Thermokinesis. Changing temperatures to hot, cold, etc. It’s easiest done the least complex something is. Fluids like water, and other liquids are the easiest to manipulate. Theoretically, Lovino could boil or freeze your blood inside your body, but it’s such a difficult task that it would be nearly impossible to actually achieve the action. Lovino has barely even mastered burning/freezing the very first layer of the skin. His powers are stronger if he’s upset or feeling strong emotion, a bit predictably; the room might heat up suddenly if he’s angry or passionate, and chill rapidly if he’s upset or scared. Normally, his touch is only warm, but if he’s really angry he can even singe things just by touching them. Likewise, his touch is coldest when he’s scared-- if there’s a thunderstorm, then he’s going to feel like he’s been out in the cold for an hour. His powers are transmitted mostly through physical contact, so most fighting needs to be close-contact. It’s helpful if he carries a flask around with oil or water to heat and fling on an enemy as a sort of stunner, and heating up metal weapons such as lashes or even just scrap metal enables him to cause damage without exerting too much effort. The less emotional he is, the more he has to force the powers, so he’s exerted more then. He tends to get incredibly shaky, because causing the particles of something to vibrate fast enough to heat has the backlash of feeling vibrate-y or shaky yourself. On the other side, chilling too much makes him slow and find more difficulty in moving. He’s more adept at heat because… well, he’s more angry than scared or sad.

Temperature Resistance. As an accessory to his other power, he also has a slight resistance to temperatures, but it’s nothing incredible-- if it’s chilly, his body warms a bit to compensate, and vice versa, but extreme weather is something he can’t battle. He doesn't really have much or any control over it yet, and he doesn't know if he can extend it to other people or not. It's less of a conscious effort than it is automatic.

RP Sample:

At the first boom of thunder, Lovino rocketed into bed and under the covers. There was nothing he was scared of more than thunderstorms. They gripped him with an indescribable, abject terror that was near impossible to calm. Why did Feli have to pick England of all places to move? A sob choked out of him when another boom of thunder crashed overhead, practically shaking the building. He curled into fetal position, sobbing as quietly as he could. He would rather not be found like this.

Normally, they said that the shorter the gap between thunder and lightning, the further the storm was, right? And he hadn't seen any lightning at all. So maybe... maybe it was just passing by... He barely registered the sky light up before he twisted and screamed in blinding, indescribable agony. He had absolutely no idea what was happening to him, but he knew that it hurt more than anything he'd ever experienced. It felt like liquid fire was being poured through his veins. And, before he could even recover, he blacked out from the shock and pain of it all, somehow not dead.

Lovino could safely say that the next morning was like something he'd never experienced in his life. He squirmed in his covers because he was burning up under them. Upon being exposed to the room air, though, gooseflesh rose up all over his skin and he started to shiver violently. Had Feli turned off the heat or something...? A sneeze, and suddenly a burst of heat bloomed out from his body. He froze up in shock. What the hell was going on?

Name: You can just call me Lovi. |D
Timezone/Country: NH, USA, timezone GMT-5!
Age: Uhm. Uh. I'll be 16 on the 25th?
A little about yourself: I've been roleplaying Lovi for less than two months shy of a year, now! He's a little bit dere, but I like him that way ;u; You'll probably want to simultaneously cuddle him to death and smash your head against a wall from frustration. Uhm uh. I chat a lot. And headcanon a lot. And am generally an overly friendly, shy person (paradoxes =u=). I'll probably want to please everyone and can be quite shy when it comes to pointing out problems. I have severe New Englander pride, and basically don't do anything ever. |D I also basically whore my Lovi out to everyone (though once I put him in a relationship, he's committed), so if you get subtly hit on, ignore it. Or act appropriately. ;3
Anything Else?: Uhm. I like black and white MC Escher prints 83

Last edited by Lovino Vargas on Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Arthur Kirkland

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Lovino Vargas (South Italy)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lovino Vargas (South Italy)    Lovino Vargas (South Italy)  EmptyThu Jan 26, 2012 7:06 am

Happy birthday! =w=

Okay, you're accepted!
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Lovino Vargas (South Italy)
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